Those interested in the Lewis and Clark saga will not want to miss this exhibit. It provides a fascinating perspective of the expedition based on both the archaeological and local Native American oral history. This is a unique approach that focuses on the village of Clahclehlah, visited by Lewis and Clark in 1805 and in 1806. A comparison is made between the journals and the archaeological evidence and ethnographic knowledge. Expansion of the United States trading system was a key component of the Corps of Discovery. “Exploring that element of the expedition at the nexus of one of the largest native trading centers is a fascinating approach,” said MaryAnn Duncan-Cole, exhibit planning member.
This semi-permanent exhibit complements additional smaller exhibits relating to the Corps of Discovery. A bronze sculpture, “Council Fire on the Columbia,” by David Manuel of Joseph, OR, is a “must-see,” as well as a collection of carvings.
The carvings of fish, birds and mammals found in the Gorge, and first identified for science by the Corps, are displayed on the mezzanine level.
A collection of books on the subject of the expedition is housed in the Emory Strong Library and in an area of the Community Gallery on the second floor.
A monument installed by the Daughters of the American Revolution acknowledging the campsite of October 30-31, 1805, graces the front entry.
Also, an interpretive kiosk located near the main entrance provides additional information, a map and suggested activities for the traveling L&C enthusiast.
See you on “The Trail!”