24th Annual Show and Shine-September 5th, 2020 ****Cancelled****

****This event is canceled and will rescheduled proactively, when it’s safe****   Staff and volunteers at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum are gearing up for their 24th annual Show & Shine car show September 5th, 2020.   Second only to the annual aucti

26th Annual Silent Auction March 10th

Columbia River Gorge residents are gearing up for the 26th annual silent auction and dinner at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum in Stevenson, Saturday, March 10th. This year the theme is “Steam-punk.” steam·punk ˈstēmˌpəNGk/ noun noun: steampunk; noun: steam-p

2017 All Motorcycle Swap Meet and Show

“All Motorcycle Swap Meet and Show” 11am to 3pm Rain or Shine! Saturday September, 16th at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum 990 SW Rock Creek Drive Stevenson WA Gates open at 9am We’re excited to be adding this event to the museum for people’s enjoyment. Something for eve

The 21st Annual Show & Shine!

Staff and volunteers at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum are gearing up for their 21st annual Show & Shine car show Sept. 2nd, 2017.   Second only to the annual auction and dinner, the car show is a major fund raiser for the museum. The fee to enter a car is $20

Come Celebrate Our 22nd Anniversary With Us

Staff and volunteers at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum have announced a packed schedule for the museum’s free 22nd anniversary party Saturday, May 13. “In addition to our usual fun events, informative display, music and activities on this day,” said Ro

Join us for The Nifty Fifties Auction and Dinner, March 11th!

Staff and volunteers are “Beboppin” to get everything ready for the annual silent auction and dinner at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum in Stevenson March 11. This year’s theme is “The Nifty Fifties,” with many people already planning their 1950s costumes and accessories

All Motorcycle Swap Meet and Show: Saturday, September 10th, 2016

“All Motorcycle Swap Meet and Show” 9am to 5pm Rain or Shine! Saturday September, 10th at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum 990 SW Rock Creek Drive Stevenson WA Gates open at 9am We’re excited to be adding this event to the museum for people’s enjoyment. Something for ever

Don’t Miss the 20th Annual Show and Shine Car Show: Saturday September 3rd, 2017!

Staff and volunteers at the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum are gearing up for their 20th annual Show & Shine Car Show & Swap Meet, Saturday Sept. 3rd. “We had 23 cars at our first show,” chuckled Rob Peterson. “Last year we had more than 140 cars registered and more

Museum Plans 21st Anniversary Party

Staff and volunteers of the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum have announced a packed schedule for the museum’s 21st anniversary celebration. The celebration is set for Saturday May 21 from 11 am until 4 pm. In addition to our usual fun events, informative displays, music and

Thank You!

The Skamania County Historical Society wishes to thank all the businesses and individuals who supported the 24th Annual Fundraiser, a benefit for the Columbia Gorge Interpretive Center Museum in Stevenson Saturday, March 12. A big thank you to all of the volunteers, the Skamania Lodge